Monday, September 23, 2013

Ed Kerns Obituary - 1967

Today has been a week since we launched out online store and this post will be the last in our look at Ed Kerns.

From the Raleigh Register - April 4, 1967

Rev. Donnelly, who performed the service, had a regular column for the newspaper and wrote about his trip to McGraws to perform the service.

From The Beckley Post-Herald - April 14, 1967

While the good Reverend wrote some interesting observations, he was a little off in his history lesson on the McGraws area. For those of us who never saw Mullens in it's heyday, it's staggering to think of the regular trains that passed through there, connecting us to the nation. We will continue and conclude the story of the real Kerns Grocery when we tell you more about Galena, but those are other stories for future days.

Thank you for undulging us as we tried to promote our new offerings. We will have some new products in the months to come: mugs and maybe a calendar, but for that we need your help! We asked you a few weeks back for any pictures that you may have of John & Mahala's Children. We have had some people who have promised to get us some copies, but if you have any, we'd like to see those too!

We will have the next of our genealogical updates coming to the site this week, and more articles for you to read. If you have any suggestions for things you would like to see on the site, or products for our store, please feel free to let us know! You can email us at:

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